Pass the exam the first time.

In the years past, it has been difficult to study for cardiovascular perfusion board exams. Not anymore.

How this works

We understand.

You've just graduated, and now you're gearing up for a comprehensive exam that stands between you and your CCP title—and that well deserved salary boost.

But there are so many questions.

How should I study? What areas should I focus on? What is the real exam like?

We are here to help answer some of those questions.


How this works

Prepare with four practice exams.

  • 2 Basic Science Exams
  • 2 Clinical Application Exams

Each exam consists of 100 questions and has a 2 hour time limit—exactly half the length of the real board exam.

After completing each practice exam, you'll receive a detailed breakdown of your performance across 11 key categories, mirroring the structure of the real board exam.

This analysis will highlight your strengths and pinpoint the areas where you need to focus your studies.

Use the first exam to identify and address any problem areas, then take the second exam to solidify your knowledge and build confidence before the big day.

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